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      [厨师/配菜/服务员] LLaw Boutique Port Plaza is hiring for 2

      teddygogogo 发表于 13-11-2024 20:42:48 来自手机
      505 0


      LLaw Boutique Port Plaza is hiring for 2 positions:

      1. casual cook all rounder
      About you:
      cook experience preferred or has basic knowledge about cooking local breakfast
      must able to understand English
      ♀ able to work quickly & perform all tasks in the section
      passion and care for food, positive attitude and willing to learn
      highly motivated and able to work with calm during high pressure services
      qualify for doing replacement and skill assessment
      must able to work on weekends

      2. Casual Cafe FOH
      at least 1 years cafe experience
      must know how to place coffee order
      good team player, bubbly personality and good customer service
      multi tasker such as making fresh juices, milkshakes, smoothies and running food and beverages services
      must able to communicate in English
      must be able to work on Monday, and weekend

      If this sound like you, please send your resume to [email protected]

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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