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      [店员/营业员/客服] GreenLeaf

      GreenLeaf 发表于 21-9-2015 13:30:01
      2262 4


      GreenLeaf Pizza is a gourmet pizza restaurant with a small and enthusiastic staff.  We are currently seeking to employ someone to operate our Front Counter and Pizza Making, as the business is expanding.  The right person will be:

      •       Willing to work on weekend evenings with good work ethic;
      •       Cheerful and helpful to our customers;
      •       Can demonstrate effective communication skills;
      •       Team-orientated

      Your role would include providing excellent customer service to our customers and excellent quality of our products. The Front Counter staff are the first contact our customers have with GreenLeaf Pizza, and we take orders over the phone, in person, or online.  Your responsibility will be to greet the customer, explain our menu options, record their order, take payment, and ensure that the customer receives the correct order every time.  As a gourmet pizza shop we have a dedicated customer base with allergen requirements.  We expect Front Counter staff to ask the right questions to understand customer requirements, and communicate requirements clearly to your team. Your role will also include cutting and garnishing our piping hot pizzas, washing dishes, folding pizza boxes, etc.

      We are an equal opportunity employer, and will provide you on-the-job training to ensure that you are comfortable and competent in your role.  We encourage students to apply, in addition to more mature aged persons. The position has an immediate start.

      Please direct your application and resume via email: [email protected]

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       楼主| GreenLeaf 发表于 22-9-2015 17:31:13
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       楼主| GreenLeaf 发表于 24-9-2015 12:04:48
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       楼主| GreenLeaf 发表于 26-9-2015 09:54:07

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       楼主| GreenLeaf 发表于 27-9-2015 16:51:26

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