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张叶 发表于 23-4-2011 18:07:45
本帖最后由 张叶 于 2011-4-23 21:27 编辑
new house with all new furnitures and electronic staffs just bought ,
two rooms are available now , with bed , studying desk , wardrobe, chair inside the rooms ,
shared living necessities are big fridge, washing machine , dish washer , oven , macrowave, dryer, sofa , dinning table and chairs , air-con and heater , and other cooking staffs . all are fully prepared.
welcome all students who are studying in Mawson lakes campus or even in the city and working people in the north suburbs.
if u like to see the pictures of the house , please add me in QQ. i can sent to u.
long term renting , price can negociated a bit.
call me at my number after 5 pm everyday , or leave sms on QQ. thanks .
Danni zhang
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