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      [聊聊美食] No Carbs, No Sugars. The new Xs energy drink.

      CF1609 发表于 3-12-2012 21:55:15
      7192 1


      本帖最后由 CF1609 于 2012-12-3 22:26 编辑

      XS energy's mission is to bring flavors that consumers love without the carbs and sugar. XS energy drinks have exact 0 carbs and 0 sugar. They have only eight calories.
      High-powered adaptogenic herbs mixed with essential B-vitamins Niacinamide (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), B6 and B12, along with the key amino acid Taurine, make for a rocket powered lift any time of the day. Most of the kilojoules have been eliminated so you can energize your body and mind without storing fat. Amazing taste and performance are just a few sips away.
      Drink up and enjoy XS Energy!

      There are 7 different flavours [color=#1c7dff !important][backcolor=transparent !important]to choose from, including some caffeine free drinks.
      They are sold in a box of 12 250ml cans at a wholesale price.If interested please contact me on : 0430510809 (calvin)    .

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