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    微观和宏观经济家教 / English tutor –英语家教 (不是同一人)

    cn113 发表于 13-4-2010 23:05:55
    329 0


    大一时, 微观和宏观经济考获全系第一而获得奖学金
    有丰富家教经验, 总共帮助过30多名学弟学妹
    包括2个澳洲本土的学生, 9成8的学生都能顺利合格,

    为保持教学的质素, 这个学期会主力辅导
    阿大YR 1,  DT,  SAIBT  的 微观和宏观经济

    电话: 0430030995
    QQ: 905211715

    English tutor 英语家教
    I am doing a master degree at University of Adelaide. I can speak English fluently with an authentic American English accent and am also very familiar with the Adelaide accent. Besides, I am specialized in Academic Writing, strong at article structure and grammar.
    Even local lecturers can hardly find any grammatical mistakes in my writing. I have passed IELTS test with a total bandscore of 8. So far I have had 2-year's of English tutoring experience. Now I work part-time at Seaview High School as an outsourced teacher, primarily teaching year-12 ESL course.

    I can assist:
    1.  High School and university ESL students with academic writing, such as critical review, essay, report,
         oral presentation and paper summary.
    2.  University assignments, checking grammar, structure and referencing.
    3.  Students who are doing language courses including PEP, Bridging course.
    4.  Anyone expecting to improve various English skills: reading,writing, listening and oral English practice.

    I am able to tutor in 3 languages: Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
    Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any help.
    Mobile-0430512303  qq- 657433086

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