对于大部分单一的pie,line,tables 和 bar chart,相信大部分同学已经通过课堂上的学习和前面的文章掌握了熟练的模版以及应试技巧,通常也是主要从trend和extremity的方面去概述图片信息。然而大多数同学对图表中富含多重信息量或指向不明的非传统图片类题目总会有困扰,今天就为大家来答疑解惑。
相信很多同学考试时都碰到过这道原题,初看会觉得信息量大但图片较简单,殊不知当你将所有信息按pie chart和line chart图表描述方式详细展开时,时间却极其不够用,甚至出现了右边line chart压根说不到的情况。
这是由于图片中的标题和细节信息量过多所致,由于我们的DI题目受到40秒recording time制约,按平均语速来说,长度应以5句话为主。所以在25秒的reading time中我们应及时反应出此类复合型图片应大幅缩减信息量,并缩短句式,有些同学会尝试去找图片中的similarities & difference,但是由于读题时间有限,很容易出现流利度问题。
因此,按考试时的应急思维简单将该图表划分为: General overview + introduction of picture1 + description of picture 1 + introduction of picture 2 + description of picture 2
这样的5句即可,test available answer如下: 1. The mixed pictures depict the situations of “many males are outside the labour force”. 2. As we could observe from the pie chart (connecting), it shows the male labour market between 2005 and 06. 3. Most of them, which is 68%, are employed, while only few of them, 4%, are unemployed and 28% of males are not in the labour force. 4. The second line graph shows the trend in economic inactivity from 1910-11 to 2005-06. 5. According to the graph, the figure of females remains steady then drops down significantly, especially after 1961; however, the number of males is constantly increased.
再来看一张最近考试的原题图片: 这张图片虽然是典型的bar chart,但由于信息量过大,同学也会出现无从下手的情况,尤其在苦恼下面的缩写是否该用全称去表达等等问题,都会耗费不少的时间,对于底下各个州的缩写,因为在DI题目中流利度非常重要,建议大家按照自己的习惯去说,既可以说缩写也可以说全称,挑自己最熟悉的方式去说即可。另外,在body paragraph中,大家既可以按照types of wine去区分,也可以按照different states,因此在本图中,
既可以用第一种说法:It is clear that Riesling has occupied the lowest sales among all of the states. On the other hand, it is Semillion, which has represented the highest sales.
也可以用第二种说法:In this bar chart, ACT of Semillion is the highest figure compared with others, while in terms of NSW of Riesling, the condition is totally reversed.
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