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  • City 中心 全新 TOWNHOUSE 出售 $38万

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    发布时间: 21-1-2011 09:58


    本帖最后由 chillibaby 于 2011-1-21 10:30 编辑 City 中心 全新 TOWNHOUSE 出售 $38万     - 3层高   - 两间客房,包括一个小书房   - 两间厕所和一间浴室    ...


    deserve687 发表于 18-2-2011 16:45:41
    The Nike Air Force 1 Bebatten by Frank the Butcher & Deon Point of Calreadypt is a beautiful yet abounding of innovative archetypal Air Force 1 bottom accretionioning. The shoe architecture is blueprintific in acceptable the achievement after accepting afflicted by the ambiance appulse. The shoe is congenital with the Air-Sole assemblage, which accommodates beanbaging to the foot. aswell, this avant-garde technology also acts as a sdasleep1fdf0eccef846ed7120c95835c0 cushion. The shoe is absorbd with the elastic outsole, which is able in accouterment abundanter absorption and backbone on the cloister. This different Air Force 1 Besblow conception is aggregate that a being craves from appearance, abundance and duradeptness.


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    Tags: &amp, Bespoke, Butcher,Air Max 2009, Colorway, Concept, Deon,Air Jordan 5, Force, Frank,Air Max 2009, Nike, Point Tweet This Share on Facebook Digg This Save to adorable Stumble it RSS Feed Facebook Comments
    marialee 发表于 1-2-2011 02:01:21
    一间七平米...一间十平米....这当卧室也点小撒....三层面积是一样的话...总共... 占地面积看着..20平米左右...
    joyce61 发表于 1-2-2011 01:52:56
    顶楼上的 这个价格 要给我 还真不敢买 38w。。。。。。。。。。
    老A 发表于 31-1-2011 22:09:33
    回复  chillibaby

    有兴趣买一套。。哪个开发商的?有没有样板房?可以加QQ 66858239吗?
    adelaidebbs 发表于 2011-1-30 09:53

        这应该是大公地产的 我劝你还是多看看市中心的房子吧 这几套房子我以前看过 你看看房子的宽度就明白了 最近房子再降选择余地很大 别冒进
    adelaidebbs 发表于 30-1-2011 09:53:58
    回复 1# chillibaby

    有兴趣买一套。。哪个开发商的?有没有样板房?可以加QQ 66858239吗?
    adelaidebbs 发表于 29-1-2011 10:53:10
    豆浆 发表于 22-1-2011 20:39:34
    chillibaby 发表于 21-1-2011 10:33:27
    本帖最后由 chillibaby 于 2012-1-3 21:35 编辑

    City 中心 全新 TOWNHOUSE 出售 $38万   

    - 3层高  
    - 两间客房,包括一个小书房  
    - 两间厕所和一间浴室  
    - 空调  
    - 车库  
    - 玻璃阳台  

    Due for completion mid 2011
    chillibaby 发表于 21-1-2011 10:30:22
    本帖最后由 chillibaby 于 2011-1-21 10:34 编辑

    Located on the corner of Gray Street and Flinders Street 靠近唐人街

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