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      楼主: TonyZ
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      [阿德MM] 帮一位大龄女性朋友征婚__PR,苗条有气质,漂亮开朗,经济独立__朋友们都为她操心!

       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 15-9-2012 16:39:44
      niuzhgz 发表于 2012-9-2 13:12
      有婚史有小孩(不和我住)有工作(工厂)有理想,无存款无房子无不良嗜好,成熟稳重外貌36实质40的老男人一 ...

      hi, did you see my response the other day?
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 11-9-2012 10:13:07
      gift100 发表于 2012-8-21 03:05
      你没有留电话 ,我也是帮个朋友留意此事的, 他人在澳洲 ,pr ,有工作,在西人工厂做技术工,身高1.73米, ...

      Hi, I've change the setting of the post, so that everyone can view the responses now.
      Would you like to arrange a meeting for both of our friends?
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 11-9-2012 10:12:09
      niuzhgz 发表于 2012-9-2 13:12
      有婚史有小孩(不和我住)有工作(工厂)有理想,无存款无房子无不良嗜好,成熟稳重外貌36实质40的老男人一 ...

      Hi, I've changed my setting of the post so that everyone can read the responsed now.
      Would you like to arrange a meeting for both our friends?
      Can I please have your phone number?
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:42:57
      niuzhgz 发表于 2012-9-2 13:12
      有婚史有小孩(不和我住)有工作(工厂)有理想,无存款无房子无不良嗜好,成熟稳重外貌36实质40的老男人一 ...

      Hi, Mate,

      Thanks for the response. And sorry for my late reply. I haven't been here for several days due to some other issue in life.

      Can I please aske how long you've lived here?
      Is your ex and kid here as well?
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:39:53
      alexaxis 发表于 2012-9-3 22:10

      hahaha,,, yes, it is DESCENT...
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:38:35
      MANAGEMENT 发表于 2012-8-30 10:44
      帮顶帮顶 好运~

      Thanks, mate.
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:38:07
      Kinalababy 发表于 2012-8-29 13:10
      your friend's name is wang lu ?

      Hi, Mate,
      Thanks for the response. And sorry for my late reply. I haven't been here for several days due to some other issue in life.
      Hahaha,,, no, sorry, I can't respond and reveal her name here... I just don't want her to be embarrased, out of good intention... Please understand...
      Have a lovely weekend.
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:36:29
      d3rosa 发表于 2012-8-21 12:33

      Hi, Mate,
      Thanks for the response. And sorry for my late reply. I haven't been here for several days due to some other issue in life.
      Yes, sorry, my friend, you are too young for her...
      But thank you just the same...
      Good luck to your search in life!
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:35:17
      qijun0008 发表于 2012-8-17 12:36

      Thank you for the support!
      Have a good day.
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       楼主| TonyZ 发表于 7-9-2012 13:34:31
      gift100 发表于 2012-8-21 03:05
      你没有留电话 ,我也是帮个朋友留意此事的, 他人在澳洲 ,pr ,有工作,在西人工厂做技术工,身高1.73米, ...

      Hi, Mate,
      Thanks for the response. And sorry for my late reply. I haven't been here for several days due to some other issue in life.
      Your friend sound reliable. Maybe we should introcude them.
      Could I give your number to my friend? Or, you'd better just provide your friend's number, and I will get my lady friend to call him directly? Which ever way you think is good, but I just do not want my friend to feel embarrased...out of good intention.
      Thank you very much.
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