2019 Glenunga High School 高才生ATAR 99.90, 获墨尔本大学商学院学士学位, 墨尔本大学医学院硕士研究生在读。现补习Y11,Y12数学,Y5-Y10 数学也可补习。名额有限。 有意请发短信0450448320。谢谢!附简历如下:
Hey! My name is Ben and I am currently a Medical Student at the University of Melbourne. Prior to studying Medicine I completed a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Finance and a Diploma in Mathematics and Statistics.
I graduated high school in 2019 with an ATAR of 99.90 and I have been tutoring high school students for 3.5 years now.
My aim as a tutor is to supplement your learning by providing you with a deeper understanding of coursework material and theory that you learn at school. I can provide you with guidance on effective learning techniques as well as which helped me better understand the underlying theory behind the high school curriculum.
I currently tutor:
Year 11 and 12 Mathematical Methods (Units 1/2)
Year 11 and 12 Specialist mathematics (Units 3/4)
IB HL and SL mathematics.
I currently tutor via Zoom and Microsoft teams, but I maintain the same quality of teaching as in person lessons.
My rates are $50 per hour for year 11 subjects and $60 per hour for year 12 subjects.
If you are interested, please send me a text message to 0450 448 320 or email me at benlin88999@gmail.com.
BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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