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  • 46 The Boulevard Parafield Gardens SA 5107

    浏览人气 : 5924
    46 The Boulevard Parafield Gardens SA 5107 Property Number : 1206904 价格 : $487,000 3 2 2


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    46 The Boulevard Parafield Gardens SA 5107



    Forget the Rest - Look at the BEST!
    LJ Hooker Woodville is excited to launch on the market for the first time, this sensational Fairmont built family home. You will be impressed with the practical and exceptionally well thought out floor plan and modern style living designed to perfection by the owners with the growing families in mind.

    This home boasts a large master bedroom with wall to wall carpet, the luxury of your own ensuite designed with his and her vanities, mirrored built in robes, ceiling fan and electrical roller shutter to keep out the noise, light, heat and to enhance your security.

    Bedrooms two and three include sturdy floor to ceiling mirrored built in robes, carpet and ceiling fans.

    The spacious open plan living room, houses a central kitchen with stainless steel appliances including Dishlex dishwasher, Westinghouse four plate gas burner and oven, range hood, vibrant red gloss splash back and island bench finished with granite bench top. The added bonus of a water connection plumbed for fridge is installed for your convenience. There are plenty of cupboards and built in pantry, ample windows letting in as much natural light as possible and the open plan living area is tiled throughout.

    Other features include:

    Three-way main bathroom providing everyone with plenty of elbow room

    Evaporative ducted cooling for those hot days through the summer months ahead and an attractive built in wall mounted, modern, stone gas heater in preparation for the winter months

    The convenience of a double garage fitted with lock up remote controlled roller doors, rear access perfect for tradies with trailer, campervan or work van

    Immaculate front yard and rear yard with access to grey water system

    Garden shed for storage

    Alarm system installed for peace of mind

    Conveniently close to Hollywood Plaza Shopping Centre, Kindergartens, Childcare Centres, Schools and public transport and with easy access to nearby Port Wakefield Road, Princess Highway and the Northern Express Way.

    If you appreciate quality, design and love style, then you will not want to miss this opportunity of buying in this young housing estate surrounded by other quality homes.

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