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      [其他求助信息] 求助:哪位大侠肯帮我些business assessment

      136073948 发表于 3-3-2010 17:56:18
      459 2


      我们business发了一张 assessment,很重要,但是我们班同学都不会写,所以我想请在线的高手,哪位肯出面帮一下忙,价钱QQ谈

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       楼主| 136073948 发表于 3-3-2010 18:00:37
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      marialee 发表于 3-3-2010 18:05:12
      Business Assessment Checklist
      Your markets
      Which markets, or market segments, are most profitable?
      What plans do you need to attack new markets?
      Are existing markets saturated?
      Who makes up your markets
      Your products and services
      Do they meet customer requirements?
      Which are the most profitable?
      What about price, service and quality issues?
      Your marketing effort
      Are your existing marketing methods right?
      How much do they cost?
      How do you target potential new customers?
      Your competition
      Who are they?
      What are their strengths and weaknesses?
      How do customers compare you and your competitors?
      What are your strengths and weaknesses?
      Your suppliers
      What are relationships like?
      Do you work with them to improve their quality of supply to your business - and thus to your customers?
      Finance and cashflow
      How does your cashflow forecasting system work?
      Is it accurate?
      What about your profit forecasts - do you keep them up to date and monitor performance?
      Do you maintain tight budgetary control on financial matters?
      Premises and equipment
      Will your premises cope with your plans?
      Are they used to best effect?
      Is your equipment up to date?
      How will you find any improvements?
      Do you have the right people to achieve your objectives?
      Do they know what is expected from them in achieving those objectives?
      Do you operate a training and development plan?
      The management team
      Who are they?
      What are their strengths and weaknesses?
      Do they need training?
      Do you know your own strengths and weaknesses?
      Do you need training?
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