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    [课外辅导] 中学数学辅导

    IvanHuang 发表于 9-12-2018 15:12:27
    5576 0


    本人Ivan,在澳洲读的高中,ATAR 98.5,在读精算与会计专业学生,有四年多中学生补习数学的经验。辅导中学各个年级(Yr8-12)所有数学科目,包括Specialist maths; Mathematicalstudies; Maths applications; Maths methods和Maths (level A,B,C and D) 以及IB课程,深知SACE评分标准以及重点考点和题型。帮助学生理解重点难点知识, 讲解真题练习题,指导学习方法,高学习效率; 布置复习习题,尤其针对需要考高分的学生; 作directed investigation(DI); folio tasks 拿A+的技巧等。英粤国语授课均可,可根据课本补习,上课可一对一,可一对多。$25/hour。

    短信联系:0481 533 573  Ivan
    电子邮件: [email protected]

    I have over 4 years of experience tutoring maths, and in this time I have developed a direct and effective teaching style that is:

    - easy to understand, and
    - focused on conceptual understanding, with
    - targeted practice questions,
    - mistake reviews, and
    - past papers.

    I always aim to provide students with a fast-paced learning environment such that they are introduced to topics ahead of the school curriculum, so when their school does arrive at a particular topic it will be like revision and therefore easier to grasp.

    I have set course plans and structures for maths high school students, as well as a vast range of helpful textbooks and exercises to add on the side. As a recent high school student myself, I know how work must be set out according to the markers, as well as the common pitfalls and what to avoid. I am available to my students at all times for school and homework help via text, email and phone.

    I charge $25/hour for one on one tuition,group prices are available for $20/hour per student. In addition to lessons, I am always more than happy to provide extra help or guidance for my students if they have any questions or queries, through both phone and online.

    Contact in message: 0481 533 573 Ivan
    Email: [email protected]

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