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  • 家具 家电超值大甩卖!

    查看数: 1332 | 评论数: 6 | 收藏 1
    关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
    发布时间: 21-1-2014 11:09


    本帖最后由 abc888 于 2014-1-22 18:14 编辑 由于本人马上要搬家去悉尼,所以现在unit里的所有家具和家具都要变卖(queen size双人床,电脑桌+书桌,洗衣机,冰箱,饭桌) 这个基本上可以算 ...


    loverain 发表于 30-1-2014 13:28:28
    abc888 发表于 2014-1-22 15:11
    i can sent address to you if you want come and see:)

    only if it's close to the city, can't you even tell everybody the suburb???
    cyswlp521 发表于 22-1-2014 23:09:32
    jing_0812 发表于 22-1-2014 19:11:28
    abc888 发表于 22-1-2014 15:11:35
    loverain 发表于 2014-1-21 15:15
    Good stuff.. I really want the study desk.... which suburb are  you in?

    i can sent address to you if you want come and see:)
    loverain 发表于 21-1-2014 15:15:26
    本帖最后由 loverain 于 2014-1-21 15:17 编辑

    Good stuff.. I really want the study desk.... which suburb are  you in?
    EZY搬家物流 发表于 21-1-2014 11:20:29

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