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      [其他] Council rate notice

      carmenmeow 发表于 29-1-2016 20:05:45 来自手机
      8847 1


      Council Rate notice 问题

      In the last two years, we request our council to post the rate notice to different address.
      We didn't have much issue with that.
      Until last Sept, we were away from adelaide to oversea for 4 weeks.

      When we get back for a month.
      We suddenly remember we should received the rate notice but how come we didn't have the notice or reminder at all.

      On 14/11/15, I called to the council.
      They said the council had post you a reminder notice and legal action notice to us.

      Now we have to pay the 2% fine plus all the legal fee.
      Council also lodge the claim to civil court.

      We were shocked and wonder why we didn't received any of the notices and how come the council lodge the claim so quickly???
      As we knew that outstanding payment was due on 1st Sept.

      Only two months late!!!

      We understand and accept council charged as 2% of fine.

      We believe council shouldn't start the legal action so quickly.

      We would like to get some advice from you. Do they / should they have regulation or procedure to follow when solving late payment issue. Any time frame before they use legal action or debt collector involved?

      The hearing will be set for next week.

      What information or evidence should we bring along to the hearing??

      Many thanks

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      grace蒲公英 发表于 2-3-2016 15:51:54
      I found the details on Cleve council's website. You can check with your local council.

      Where no contact has been received from a ratepayer or agreed alternative arrangements have been ignored the following procedure will be implemented.
      Within 7 days of rates or charges first becoming in arrears a NOTICE OF FINE imposing the statutory fine of 2% will be issued.
      Within 7 days of these charges incurring a further fine (1 month later), a further NOTICE OF FINE imposing the statutory fine pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act be issued.
      Within a further 7 days Council will write a FINAL WARNING LETTER advising that legal proceedings to collect the debt will be commenced after 14 days, except in cases where Council or the Chief Executive Officer has approved alternative payment arrangements.
      Upon the expiration of the prescribed time of the FINAL WARNING LETTER that Council issue summons in the Local Court for the collection of the debt pursuant to the Local Government Act, or authorise an approved debt collection agency to initiate the appropriate action.
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