什么叫过户上会有问题?不太明白作者: jdm.importbiz 时间: 22-5-2014 17:02
可以買 帶齊文件, passport, 地址證明去service sa就可以作者: haoxi2523 时间: 24-5-2014 12:26
Regarding to all the foreign driver, service SA will create a profile for them including their name, age, sex, DOB and address. Hence, please bring certificates cover above aspects to service SA then you have a Rego, the you have a reg plate, then you can drive the car on road. You can buy a car no matter you have a license or not. Plz note that if you want to stay here and get a PR, driving carefully cuz your record will follow you after you get a PR.作者: seabbbb 时间: 23-10-2014 09:18
Thanks, 很有用作者: idiotdan 时间: 31-10-2014 09:29
可以买车,但是上牌要自己去Service SA,一般不能代理上牌。作者: ledakar 时间: 22-12-2014 12:52