主要是没钱.作者: zhangjia 时间: 13-3-2013 16:24
City has a free lawyer organization at 82-92 Wakefield street Adelaide 5000. Ph: 1300 366 424作者: renyue100223 时间: 13-3-2013 16:59
zhangjia 发表于 2013-3-13 16:54
City has a free lawyer organization at 82-92 Wakefield street Adelaide 5000. Ph: 1300 366 424
那你和你男朋友要去柜台问清楚,别和他们说退会员的事情,就是说这个扣错钱什么时候还你们作者: best_nini 时间: 14-3-2013 14:42
Good life 在哪里?从未听说。最近要去健身了!作者: visalogic.org 时间: 14-3-2013 16:54
可以去 ombudsman 看看
“The Ombudsman’s office handles complaints, conducts investigations, performs audits and inspections, encourages good administration, and carries out specialist oversight tasks.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman is also the Defence Force, Immigration, Law Enforcement, Taxation, Postal Industry, ACT, Overseas Students Ombudsman and Norfolk Island Ombudsman”