什么叫严格来说啊? 也就是不一定啦, 从哪天算要论签证官订?作者: 白衣天使 时间: 30-12-2012 13:31
解释得再明确些,从移民局正式受理你的签证申请那天计算起两年内,也可以这么理解当你发现移民局从你银行扣除签证申请费那天算起。没有不一定,除非特殊情况不用等两年。什么特殊情况你应该知道的。作者: swift789 时间: 30-12-2012 14:18
什么特殊情况? 作者: 白衣天使 时间: 30-12-2012 14:55
at the time you apply, you have been in a long-term relationship with your partner: that is, for five years or more, or at least years where there are dependent children of your relationship; or
your partner was granted a protection visa or a permanent visa under the humanitarian program, you were in the relationship before that visa was granted and your relationship had been declared to the department at that time.
Such claims must be substantiated with documented vidence.
这些是移民局原文解释的特殊情况可以不用等两年。作者: cigarette1 时间: 10-1-2013 23:53