希望楼主的宝宝快点好起来 作者: mq50 时间: 12-6-2012 21:56
我儿子小时候也有湿疹,后来我妈一直坚持给他用国内的一种药叫宝宝康,现在好了,希望对你有帮助。作者: mming 时间: 12-6-2012 22:54
For parents worrying about their babies' eczema, read the website and get your laundry detergent ASAP to "Earth", most likely your babies' eczema will be healed smoothly by time. Good luck. http://www.solveeczema.org/thesolution.html作者: Susanjames 时间: 13-6-2012 13:31
可以给她涂茶油, 管用的作者: 9527 时间: 13-6-2012 13:47