Their air fare is cheap. Lucky, my LG has not problem to use it over a year. anyway, if you have money, don't use it.
I don't think so. they should present all those conditions in fine prints. did you check before you buy? I guess you've already agreed with all the terms and conditions. it is hard to do that now. 作者: simonsuchina 时间: 27-4-2011 10:10
同情楼主,其实很多航空公司都会这样做的。。。作者: 1254003 时间: 27-4-2011 10:24
花钱买个教训 话说 便宜有便宜的好处 tiger的机票还是很便宜的 不过去机场我从来都是提前2个小时最少 作者: 天然呆 时间: 27-4-2011 10:39
我做过 还行。。。。早点到 等着 没啥大问题 不过看你说的。。。下次不敢坐了作者: ausa 时间: 27-4-2011 10:45
TIGER的问题地球人都知道吧。。。便宜无好货,绝对不敢尝试,否则得不偿失。适合没急事,时间多的同志使用。作者: gtda 时间: 27-4-2011 11:10 回复 1254003 的帖子
I dont think ppl will check those conditions when they buy tickets
We will try our best to get our money back作者: mingyuedangkong 时间: 27-4-2011 11:16
that is good. you should try 作者: abaiabai 时间: 27-4-2011 11:22
在国内的时候,有一次去成都,也是类似的情况,网上订票,结果满员,还好头等仓有空位,于是就很爽的坐头等仓了作者: mem 时间: 27-4-2011 11:34 本帖最后由 mem 于 2011-4-27 11:36 编辑
this is in violation of contract laws, unless otherwise specified in the air ticket terms and conditions. a court file against tiger will likely lead to compensation over the matter, however the cost of hiring a lawyer could be too much.
the best way may be to lodge a complaint against tiger with ACCC作者: jefflang 时间: 27-4-2011 11:58
...........悲剧了作者: doudoufly 时间: 27-4-2011 12:24
...................作者: vieuxsinge 时间: 27-4-2011 12:31