本帖最后由 RC0512 于 1-8-2015 12:27 PM 编辑
本人现在正就读南澳大学的助产士专业第三年,今年准备毕业啦,专业中要求我们实习和学习之余需要连续的跟随孕妇(从产前,生产及产后), 并作出报告. 本人正在寻找至少8位34周以下的孕妇,需在今年年底或明年年1月前预产期.本跟随孕妇的服务(COCE)将对我们的专业知识进行巩固,也将赐予我们机会学习更多的关于孕期,分娩,及产后的知识, 同时我们也能在您需要的时候提供力所能及的帮助. 我将跟随你们到部分产前检查,部分产后检查,如果您准许的话,我也可以在分娩期陪伴您. 在做产检的时候, 我们可以针对您不懂的地方作进一步解释,当然,根据学校要求,我们不能取代翻译的 工作, 但是我们可以在产检完交流,针对不懂的问题解释. 在分娩的时候, 经过孕妇同意的情况下,我们会作为extra hand留在产房, 也可以在需要的时候帮助助产士, 或一起陪伴鼓励孕妇(助产士学生不算在入产房的人数内). 产后,我们需要参与2次您的产后检查,一起分享你们的喜悦, 然后我们的服务也将告一段落, 你们也将会专注在带孩子方面了.
谢谢大家花时间阅读,期待你们的回应 :) Carol
Hi ladies,
Congratulation on the exciting journey you are going to start!
I am a year2 midwifery student currently studying at the University of South Australia. I am seeking for Continuity of Care women (under 34 weeks) in Adelaide to assist in my study and experience.I could flexibly fit with the location of your hospital/clinic/birthing centre.
This Continuity of Care program involve meto support and actively involve throughout your pregnancy, labour, birth andpostnatal care period under the supervision of your doctor/midwife. Please be aware that I could not replace your chosen carer, my main focus is to observe and provide extra support when needed. Iwould need to attend some of your antenatal and postnatal appointments with youand your birthing experience if you are comfortable and willing for me to be involved.
Your participation would be highly appreciated as itwould provide us with precious experience on the clinical settings, and women’s feeling during pregnancy, and we could be more confidence when we step out to hospital as well as providing the proficiency in midwifery study.
There are also information brochures from the universityavailable on your request.
Thank you very much spending time on reading this, and hope to hear from you! Wish you all the best! King Regards Carol