Dear Irene,
I suppose your Council Rate would be around $2,000. It is a small claim upon which no lawyer is required to attend the hearing. But you still can instruct a lawyer to issue a letter to the Council with a cc copy to the Court setting out your reasons why you were away from Australia and excuse of the delay of payment etc.
Different Councils have different rate recovery policies. Usually the Council Rate is due on 1 September each year. By the time you called the Council, the grace period has already expired. Therefore, the Council issued court proceedings claim against you.
Unless you have good excuse, it is difficult to defend.
I suggest you to consult with a lawyer, draft a letter asking on special and compassionate grounds, setting out your absence from Australia, including your passport stamps etc. Some Councils may have discretion, not imposing the 2% fine if you have good written excuse.
Should you wish me to have a conference with you, drafting the letter, my charge is $550.
With kind regards,
Gordon Cheng
Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries
电话:00618-8359 2526
传真:00618-8359 2843
地址:1/F Pulteney Centre, 186 Pulteney Street, Adelaide SA 5000