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    [咨询] Regarding the car sales issue

    donaldmak 发表于 13-12-2014 06:08:13 来自手机
    4483 4


    I have sold my car to a local guy four days ago. Before I sold the car to him, I let him have inspection and check the car. I've show him everything of the car and the service history. He check everything and give me an offer. We finish the deal two days ago. He pay me the total amount in cash and I sign the ownership transfer form. I've also drop off my part to service SA yesterday afternoon.

    This morning he message me and said that the car have some problem and ask me to either pay him money($1500) to fix or buy back the car. I was wondering in this situation, 1. With offer and acceptance. 2. Full amount has been paid in cash (consideration appear here) 3. All document has been sign two days ago and I don't know what he have done to the car engine this two days 4. I've let him inspect the car and show him every thing he need

    So, I wondering can anyone give me some advice that whether I have the obligation to pay him extra? If there is offer, acceptance and consideration, is that mean a legal contract done and I don't need to respond to his request at all?

    Thanks guys for helping :)))

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    gchance 发表于 13-12-2014 07:33:36
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    lulu.海豚 发表于 13-12-2014 14:59:00
    there is no warranty for privately sold car. they have no right to ask for a refund or anything else. if they come to your place just call the police. you don't have to worry about it.
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    tonyee 发表于 26-3-2015 08:41:22
    no warranty for private sale
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    hochaser 发表于 27-8-2015 19:42:15
    tell him fxxx off
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