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标题: 汇总买房能够拿到的政府补贴,以便对号入座。 [打印本页]
作者: Suntide 时间: 7-6-2013 10:59
标题: 汇总买房能够拿到的政府补贴,以便对号入座。
本帖最后由 Suntide 于 2013-6-14 13:46 编辑
1. First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) 第一次购房补贴
顾名思义,此补贴是针对第一次购房者。当然,购房者最起码有一人必须拥有澳洲PR身份或New Zealand永久居民持有澳洲Special Category Visas的也可以申请。现在适用于二手房和新建房,但是从2014年7月1日起,购买二手房就不会有此补贴了。
The First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) is paid by the State Government to eligible first home owners. The payment is made only after an application has been submitted to and approved by RevenueSA or a financial institution authorised by RevenueSA to process applications.
The FHOG applies to the purchase or construction of a residential property, including a house, flat, unit, townhouse or apartment that meets local planning standards anywhere in South Australia. The FHOG currently applies to both new and established homes, but will cease for established homes from 1 July 2014.
The residential property must be occupied as each applicants principal place of residence property for a continuous period of at least six months commencing within 12 months of date of settlement for contracts to purchase, or the date construction is completed for owner builders or contracts to build.
How much is the FHOG?
The amount of the FHOG payable is determined by the date the contract to purchase or build a home is entered into, or the date on which construction commenced for owner builders.
The table below outlines the current grants and concessions available:
New Homes*
| Up to
First Home Owner Grant (from 15 October 2012#) | $15 000 |
| $8500 |
If you are purchasing an off-the-plan apartment that meets the required criteria, you may also be eligible for a Off-the-plan Concession (stamp duty) | $21 330 |
Established Homes
| Up to
First Home Owner Grant (22 November 2012 to 30 June 2014#) | $5000 |
作者: Suntide 时间: 7-6-2013 11:26
2. Housing Construction Grant (HCG) 建房补贴
The Housing Construction Grant (HCG) is a grant of up to $8500, which is available to all home buyers who are purchasing or building a new home, (up to a market value of $450 000). For first home buyers, this is in addition to the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG). As part of the State Budget 2013 handed down on 6 June 2013, the Treasurer announced that the Housing Construction Grant be extended for a further six months to 31 December 2013 (inclusive).
The HCG applies to:- contracts to purchase a new home entered into between 15 October 2012 and 31 December 2013 (inclusive);
- comprehensive home building contracts for new homes entered into between 15 October 2012 and 31 December 2013 (inclusive) where the contract states that the building will be completed within 18 months of commencement or the building work is actually completed within 18 months of commencement;
- contracts for the purchase of a new home off-the-plan entered into between 15 October 2012 and 31 December 2013 (inclusive) where the contract states that the building work will be completed on or before 30 June 2015 or the building work is actually completed on or before 30 June 2015; and
- owner builders where construction of the new home commences on or after 15 October 2012 and before 1 January 2014.
The HCG is available to natural persons, companies and trusts. The new home may be intended for occupation as a place of residence or investment. Unlike the FHOG, the new home does not need to be resided in, nor does the applicant need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.There are no restrictions on the number of times a purchaser can apply for the HCG, regardless of whether a person purchases or builds a new home alone or together with others. Previous recipients of a FHOG are also entitled to the HCG. However, where the HCG has been paid in realtion to the purchase of a property, no further HCG can be paid in respect of that property, unless that previously paid HCG has been repaid.
How much is the HCG?A HCG of $8500 is available for new homes where the market value does not exceed $400 000, and phases out for new homes with a market value between $400 000 and $450 000 at a rate of $17 for every $100 in excess of $400 000.The table below outlines the maximum grant available in increments of $5000 increases over $400 000.Market Value | HCG |
Up to $400 000 | $8500 |
$405 000 | $7650 |
$410 000 | $6800 |
$415 000 | $5950 |
$420 000 | $5100 |
$425 000 | $4250 |
$430 000 | $3400 |
$435 000 | $2550 |
$440 000 | $1700 |
$445 000 | $850 |
$450 000 and above | Nil |
作者: FrankLee 时间: 7-6-2013 11:40
作者: todaytoday 时间: 7-6-2013 16:30
好帖! 顶楼主! 8500 推迟到年底是好事,那15000和印花税补贴有时间限制吗
作者: durui100 时间: 7-6-2013 19:55
作者: Suntide 时间: 7-6-2013 21:38
todaytoday 发表于 2013-6-7 16:00
好帖! 顶楼主! 8500 推迟到年底是好事,那15000和印花税补贴有时间限制吗
作者: Suntide 时间: 7-6-2013 21:39
durui100 发表于 2013-6-7 19:25
作者: 哈啤 时间: 13-6-2013 22:21
Suntide 发表于 2013-6-7 22:09
作者: Suntide 时间: 14-6-2013 14:17
哈啤 发表于 2013-6-13 21:51
哦~ 谢谢!确实是打错了。
作者: Suntide 时间: 14-6-2013 14:47
3. Off-the-plan Apartment Concession (期房公寓楼补贴)
city以内 / Bowden Village / 45 Park, Gilberton
- 合同于2012年5月31号与2014年6月30号之间签署;
- 市场价不超过$500,000.00
同时符合以上两种要求的,stamp duty全免;
如果,市场价超过$500,000.00,那么stamp duty会给你少收$21,330.00
如果,合同签于2014年7月1号至2016年6月30号期间,那么stamp duty concession根据工程进度会有不同程度的补贴。这个算法Revenue SA上面都有的。
作者: 我爱我家001 时间: 5-7-2013 17:22
作者: alvin.y 时间: 16-8-2013 18:48
作者: 光怪陆离 时间: 17-8-2013 19:18
作者: Suntide 时间: 31-10-2013 12:03
Up Up Up !!!
作者: xsls 时间: 27-1-2014 15:59
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