“ Do you have trouble understanding locals? Do you want to sound more natural? Or maybe you just want to talk about koalas. I understand. Nihao! My name is Sasha. I have a Certificate IV in Teaching English, and I am close friends with people from China. My accent is very soft, so you can understand me more easily than other locals. I am happy to practise conversation, or help you improve your pronunciation, or check your homework with you. Usually I meet at State Library, but other locations are possible. Please contact me via WeChat to discuss. I look forward to saying hello. FIRST MEETING IS $20 / 30MINS ” 你是不是很难理解当地人的英语, 想要自己的英语听起来更自然吗? 希望有一天可以真正的用英语谈天说地? 没有难懂的口音,亲切且专业, 一对一外教Sasha可以帮你实现。 日常口语交流的练习, 帮助改善你的英语发音, 或者帮你检查家庭作业...... 只要你想要自己英语更进一步, 就不要吝啬踏出第一步! $20 / 30分钟的初次交流, 评估你的英语水平, 关注你想改善或学习的重点! 地点:Adelaide City State Library(可根据情况改变地点) 预约请联系Sasha老师微信:SnowyTemple |
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