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标题: 【医疗】阿德莱德赛美牙科--每周开7天的中文牙医 [打印本页]

作者: 赛美牙科    时间: 18-7-2018 16:40
标题: 【医疗】阿德莱德赛美牙科--每周开7天的中文牙医

赛美牙科在阿德莱德南区和东北区的两家诊所分别坐落于 257 Fullarton Rd, Parkside 5063,是一家的集治疗、正畸、保健、美容为一体的综合性牙科诊所。虽然开业不久,赛美牙科 以其周到贴心的服务,严谨的医疗作风,亲民的价格得到大家广泛好评。

牙周病和种植牙专家 Periodontist
Dr Paul McHugh

Dr. Mark Moore

Dr. Mark Moore是土生土长的阿德人,1982年获得阿德莱德大学齿科学士学位,如今已有32年的丰富临床经验。他为人和蔼风趣,擅长成人牙齿透明矫正、种植牙及疑难智齿的拔除等。即使是最基础的洗牙也是由医生亲自操刀,而且全程有华人牙医助理辅助,不用担心交流问题。

牙医Pearlyn Ong
牙医Pearlyn Ong 来自新加坡,同样拥有阿大的齿科学位,来澳之前在新加坡从事牙科治疗师、保健师的工作,主攻儿童牙病治疗,很多被别的牙医要求全身麻醉才能治疗的孩子, 见了Pearlyn 阿姨都会乖乖的看。Dr. Pearlyn 性格温柔并且爱笑,结合温和的手法,给首次看牙科的儿童带来完美就医体验,帮助大家克服牙科恐惧症。同时她可以流利讲英语、普通话、闽南语和粤语。

Practice manager 冯赛是来自中国的牙医,在澳大利亚攻读了Practice management,并先后在阿德莱德多家全科和专科牙医诊所就职,非常熟悉澳洲的医疗体系,能给大家提供各种权威、准确的牙科相关信息及资讯

牙医助理 英伟 也来自中国,同样是科班出身的


赛美牙科引进世界一流的德国瓷睿科3D即可全瓷牙修复系统。无论您是需要做隐形矫正,烤瓷修复还是需要做种植牙, 直接全电脑扫描, 再也不需要经历传统的取模型恶心难受的步骤,整个扫描过程伴随着音乐舒适舒心,快捷精密。我所用的设备均为高端欧洲进口, 瑞士洁牙机,治疗牙椅等,更贴心的是牙椅上方悬挂电视,让您就诊娱乐两不误。


儿童就诊持有Medicare CDBS的儿童均可享受Bulk bill检查、洗牙、涂氟保护漆、窝沟封闭,X光 及牙病治疗.

诊所位于 1/257 Fullarton Rd, Parkside,Arkaba Medical Centre 内,交通四通八达,停车位充足而且全部免费

Lines 171, 171A, 173  at Stop 5, Fullarton Rd
Lines 830F, 841F, 860F, 861, 863, 863F, 864, 864F, 865, A010 at Stop 4 Glen Osmond Rd


ADD:1/257 Fullarton Rd, Parkside SA 5063

4/61 Darley Rd Paradise 5075

TEL:English (08) 82717971

中文 0448 308 588
0404 631 601

赛美牙科竭诚为您解决牙病困扰 !

Paul photo.jpg (39.8 KB, 下载次数: 237)

Paul photo.jpg

作者: 赛美牙科    时间: 12-8-2018 18:06
作者: 赛美牙科    时间: 1-9-2018 15:42
作者: Tangfeifei    时间: 11-9-2018 16:52
1000字感情 max

作者: OLDFOX01    时间: 21-9-2018 17:58
作者: 赛美牙科    时间: 12-10-2018 16:24
OLDFOX01 发表于 21-9-2018 17:58

你好, 不好意思,没能及时回答您的问题, 因为没有每天查看论坛,有具体问题需要咨询,请打中文预约电话0448308588 或者扫描上面二维码加微信直接咨询, 谢谢!
作者: 浓郁的茶    时间: 11-1-2020 13:51
I am a student studying in college. The wisdom teeth on the upper teeth were swollen and painless. Seeing this dental clinic online, many Chinese strongly recommend it, so I made an appointment to see a dentist. This clinic has a very good environment, treats people very seriously, and the dentist is great! I used to have a wisdom tooth in Shanghai, and although it was anesthetic, it was very painful during the extraction. But this experience of seeing a doctor in this clinic made me feel particularly comfortable, and there was no pain at all. I watched TV and the dentist removed my wisdom teeth. The experience was great! And they are all doctors who can speak Chinese!  医生都可以说中文哦!!交流无障碍!
作者: Janicechih    时间: 10-2-2020 20:31
您好,你们那边有招牙医助理吗?我是flinders的大学生,今年28岁,我是学牙医专业的(澳洲的职业资格证正在考,也有国内的硕士学历,专业是牙体牙髓(endodontics), 目前刚到阿德,我有2年的学生签证,可以长期工作,如果方便的话可以过来面试,谢谢。

作者: 罗伯斯特    时间: 11-7-2020 07:38

作者: 小跳蛙    时间: 24-12-2020 00:58

作者: jackw    时间: 28-1-2021 18:13

作者: Brianuncew    时间: 19-7-2024 09:03
标题: USA Depot PC Play C

Selecting the Ideal Tactile Keyboard

Switch keyboards become a favored selection among gamers due to their responsive feel, sturdiness, and personalizable options. When choosing the correct mechanical keyboard for your electronic gaming preferences, several aspects should be considered to improve your total input and video gaming journey.

First, focus on the category of mechanisms used in the keypad. Mechanical buttons are available in multiple types, including Cherry MX, Razer, and Romer-G, each providing varied levels of activation pressure, Important distance, and tactile feedback. For illustration, Cherry MX Blue mechanisms offer a clicky feel and click sound, ideal for typists, while Cherry MX Red keys remain more silent and require less pressure, making them perfect for rapid keystrokes in video gaming.

Next, ponder the keypad's build quality and appearance. Look for keyboards with a sturdy structure, preferably made of aluminum or premium plastic, to ensure sturdiness. Keypads with personalizable lighting, notably RGB illumination, may add a unique look and boost clarity in dim environments.

You will, consider the keypad's layout and extra attributes. Full-sized input devices with a numpad are perfect for universal use, while compact versions are more space-saving and provide additional room for pointer motion. Attributes like programmable commands, dedicated media controls, and customizable keycaps might further improve your gaming experience.

By carefully considering these factors, you might select a tactile keyboard that suits your tastes and gaming method, Lastly resulting a more pleasurable and successful gaming journey.

Advantages of Gaming Chairs with Leg Rests d0_b09f  
Pink Double-shot PBT Gaming Keycaps

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