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    美军航母重新部署 朝鲜半岛走向“失控”?(图)

    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:20:17
    jian11 发表于 15-4-2017 15:12
    I wonder if you can understand me or what i am saying, if you can't, i stop short here.  I like fa ...

    大哥, 我回你一条,你回我8条, 是你该去BBS开个帖子吧, 老哥,你真搞笑
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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:31:57
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:20
    大哥, 我回你一条,你回我8条, 是你该去BBS开个帖子吧, 老哥,你真搞笑

    Am I your big brother?
    Are you kidding me?
    You loser!

    Whether to Open a BBS is my business, why you worry so much?
    You Loser!

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    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:34:33
    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:31
    Am I your big brother?
    Are you kidding me?
    You loser!

    你赢了!!  满足吗? 满! 足! 吗!  满~~~足~~~嘛~~~? 挺好玩, 跟人斗,其乐无穷
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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:38:01
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:20
    大哥, 我回你一条,你回我8条, 是你该去BBS开个帖子吧, 老哥,你真搞笑

    Apparently, I am not your "big brother"!
    Don't you feel embarrassed at the moment we are talking to each other???

    Open a new tab, don't uplift this old post.
    I will join you in a new post!
    Do you understand what I am saying to you???

    Do you understand what I am talking to you, although I cannot type chinese?

    Open a new tab! and Post a new post!, and I will join you!

    You loser!

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    What do think?

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    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:42:37
    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:38
    Apparently, I am not your "big brother"!
    Don't you feel embarrassed at the moment we are talking  ...

    不和你玩了, 没劲
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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:46:51
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:34
    你赢了!!  满足吗? 满! 足! 吗!  满~~~足~~~嘛~~~? 挺好玩, 跟人斗,其乐无穷

    It's you are belligerent and bellicose, It's you are fighting, It's your starting to blame me to type english in this bbs as i cannot type chinese letters.  

    Your "soar grapes" mindset shames and embarrases you here!

    Your belligerence and bellicosity, especially your impotence shamed and embarrassed you here publicly.

    Can you understand the proberb:  IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!!!

    Can you understand that???

    You loser!

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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:49:55
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:34
    你赢了!!  满足吗? 满! 足! 吗!  满~~~足~~~嘛~~~? 挺好玩, 跟人斗,其乐无穷

    Can I cash in money to "beat" you?

    Are you that important that I have to "win" you?

    Loser's mindset!

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    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:53:22
    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 16:46
    It's you are belligerent and bellicose, It's you are fighting, It's your starting to blame me to t ...

    唉, 我就是好奇才问你为什么打英文, 你竟然理解成我在责怪你, 对不起,是我错了,耽误你工作了, 我向你道歉! 对~~~不~~~起~~~! 为了配合你 I apologized for what I said, Sorry for 1000000 times.  你好好工作吧, 祝: 事业有成, 家庭美满, 财源广进.  我有点想笑, 咳咳, 原谅我的不严肃. 拜拜
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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 17:01:55
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:42
    不和你玩了, 没劲

    You have to say "in this kind of way" in order to save your face here.  Don't you???

    It's you who start to "play" with me by blaming me to speak in english in this bbs and I just pick up the gaunlet you threw down!!! Do you understand what I am saying????????

    Do you really understand???  

    Unfortunely I cannot type chinese.
    Your traditional chinese poetic phrases belies your ignorance.

    To be honest, I can do better with chinese poets and literature, if I am not too rude!

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    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 17:15:56
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:53
    唉, 我就是好奇才问你为什么打英文, 你竟然理解成我在责怪你, 对不起,是我错了,耽误你工作了, 我向你道歉 ...

    You don't have to appologize!!!
    You don't have to blame yourself!!!
    You have to respect other peoples choice!
    Either you Challenge, or you Ignore!!!
    This is the game rule!!!

    Same reasons that:
    I cannot ask you why you marry to a "gui lao" since you are a chinese?  Why you write your homeworks in chinese when you study in Uni Sa?  Why you drink coffee in stead of drinking tea since you are a chinese?

    It's a Nonstarter game for you since your debating point is specious!!!

    My point is:  I understand and be understood in my favourite method, as I cannot type chinese letters.

    Your point is: Since you can read chinese, why you type english?

    So, I just wonder How you can "survive" on your point bases???

    That's why!

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