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      楼主: LindaLindaLinda
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      [羽毛球] 南区羽毛球俱乐部,双周日下午3-5点

      mem 发表于 4-10-2012 10:50:04
      MicMic 发表于 2012-9-9 15:01
      Today, go to friend's place to do wall painting hahaha

      did you ever play badminton in adl?
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      MicMic 发表于 4-10-2012 11:12:16
      mem 发表于 2012-10-4 10:50
      did you ever play badminton in adl?

      never play in adl, my last games was in high school hahha
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      mem 发表于 4-10-2012 11:16:50
      MicMic 发表于 2012-10-4 10:42
      never play in adl, my last games was in high school hahha

      you need to exercise
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      MicMic 发表于 4-10-2012 11:18:48
      mem 发表于 2012-10-4 11:16
      you need to exercise

      , i am ok just 70kg ....

      省伙食费. from $100 a week, drop to $50 a week now
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      MicMic 发表于 4-10-2012 11:19:44
      mem 发表于 2012-10-4 11:16
      you need to exercise

      r u thinking to go fishing this week, Sat or Sun ... i have been struggling for few weeks ..
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      mem 发表于 4-10-2012 11:30:33
      MicMic 发表于 2012-10-4 10:49
      r u thinking to go fishing this week, Sat or Sun ... i have been struggling for few weeks ..

      the seawater was quite muddy in the past few weeks and hardly caught any fish or squid.
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      MicMic 发表于 4-10-2012 11:34:21
      mem 发表于 2012-10-4 11:30
      the seawater was quite muddy in the past few weeks and hardly caught any fish or squid.

      too bad .. wait until clear ....
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      mem 发表于 5-10-2012 21:16:53
      where is this activity?  never activated
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