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    StarPh 发表于 8-9-2010 21:13:25
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    小果 发表于 9-9-2010 19:18:46
    我们这里有适合你们的房子,门口就是公交车站,到CITY很方便,有意请联系0449815267       QQ是759322177
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    zixinyueye 发表于 9-9-2010 19:28:27
    本帖最后由 zixinyueye 于 2010-9-9 19:29 编辑

    楼主可以看看这个,如果2个人住的话价钱可商量,包家具,share 水电网!http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=158380
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    Joanne2504 发表于 9-9-2010 20:30:13
    My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.

    My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.

    If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

    ***I am welcome for inspection***

    >>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!

    Don't miss out!!!!!
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    Joanne2504 发表于 9-9-2010 20:31:43
    My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.

    My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.

    If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

    ***I am welcome for inspection***

    >>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!

    Don't miss out!!!!!
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     楼主| nnf3jk 发表于 11-9-2010 12:40:34
    回复 23# zixinyueye

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    飘零燕 发表于 11-9-2010 17:22:32
    http://adelaidebbs.com/bbs/viewt ... 9596&highlight=可以看看这个不知合不合你心意
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    GBOY 发表于 12-9-2010 01:33:56
    我家非常合适   我们也在阿大上学   联系我吧   QQ 30992293
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    shiny 发表于 12-9-2010 18:47:46
    东北区1间大靓房出租,(couple)130全包,巴士20分钟到阿大,15分钟1辆。家里有一个非常nice的 local和两个uni学生,有意请电0430164006,包看房。
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    1616 发表于 13-9-2010 10:30:24
    -10分鐘到city,bus stop5B一大HOUSE房間出租!
    -近city,Hilton區bus stop 5B一大房間出租.
    -非常方便坐bus到UNISA的東,西校區& ADELAIDE UNI(基本都是在校區門口or2分鐘步 行以內)
    -電話 or SMS to:0433669460
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