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    美军航母重新部署 朝鲜半岛走向“失控”?(图)

    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 12:35:54
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    Show your "beng shi"(ability and capability) by following the posts.

    Let me "learn, learn" and give me "some color to see see".

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 12:43:47
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    I Tell you the trueth.

    You will spend at least half a year to argue and debate with me, IF you follow this kind of your mindset.  As I posted thousands of messages here in this bbs in English since I registered in this bbs about seven or eight years ago.

    Proudly I am confessing here.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 12:54:59
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    English printing is much easier than chinese printing!

    We just take your post as example:

    In English you just Print like: Hi, Above Fl, if you can read chinese, why do you show up to print english?  Easy?  Yes, it is.

    If in chinese, you have to print: lou shang de , ru guo ni neng kan dong zhe pian "zhong wen" wen zhang , gan ma hai zhuang zhe luo ji da ying wen, wo?

    Easy, not at all.  be patient, hold on, not finished.  You have to "transfer" every above words into correct chinese letters among hundreds of thousands of chinese letters.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 13:05:02
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    To be frank and honest,

    I was not as "able and capable" as you guys in printing chinese letters, I would like to try my luck in this bbs's international news column as an editor by answering its employment enrollment post, If I can type chinese as good as you.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 13:10:57
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    Keep the game going on, THIS is the Most Fun for every game, like you play tennis matches, just hit back one more time than your oppents by whatever strokes, slice, lob, dropshot and just like you are performing a musical piece on stage, you know you are wrong, but better "keep it going" and "not stop", otherwise it is very embarrassed.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 13:19:17
    卡卡看 发表于 10-4-2017 12:13

    If you don't blame me and If I am not rude:

    My reply will be like: Sorry, my posts here which beyond your understanding are not for you.


    You can either ask BBS to remove my id or you can confront me directly.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 13:29:26
    Ok, let's go back to the right track.

    Carl Vincen is the U.S.aircraft carrier just excercised the FONOP in South China Sea a few weeks age, if I remember well.  
    According to original plan, the fleet will visit Australia.  Trump suddenly changed the routine on Saturday and ordered the fleet to be deployed near the peninsula.  THis is what Trump and Xi agreed during the Mar-a-Lago summit that the N. korea's nuclear program has reached a serious stage and cannot be accepted.  That's why.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 13:36:41
    My analysis and train of thoughts are like this:

    If N.Korea "listen", keep silent and do not behave provocatively, ok, war will not happen.

    If N.Korea act in a more provocative way by testing its nuclear ICBM recently, Carl Vincen will definately do something.

    The result probably will be that China will face a united korea front stationed with US army at its door.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 16:18:18
    Whether it will lose control or not on Korea peninsula, just pay attention to S. Korea's media.  We usually get detailed news and information about N.Korea from S.Korea's media.

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    jian11 发表于 10-4-2017 16:45:13
    At this critical juncture, China should persuade Kim Jong-un to step down in order to avoid US' preemptive military attack.  China should send a similar strong message to Kim, and China and the U.S. provide Kim with personal security guarantees.  It is said that This was also  the same offer provided to Saddam Husaine, unfortunately Saddam rejected this offer.

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