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      楼主: 锅碗瓢盆
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      在rundle mall woolworths卖酒的地方遇到的事儿,给大家提个醒。

      南方更南 发表于 24-1-2012 22:18:10
      另外,推荐买酒还是去Dan Murphy比较好,各种酒类齐全,价格低廉,还经常打折。
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      a20110102 发表于 24-1-2012 22:53:07
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      来哒来哒 发表于 25-1-2012 00:49:24
      这个卖酒的就是一SB 不管什么国家 不管什么样的人 都会有的 LZ不要委屈了 赶紧回家好好过年吧
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      dukelucky 发表于 25-1-2012 12:00:02
      本帖最后由 dukelucky 于 2012-1-25 13:25 编辑

      回复 锅碗瓢盆 的帖子

      去看看这网页上的Alcohol Laws 吧

      节选了一段相关的LAW 慢慢看看吧。
      Laws Relating to Minors
      There are several provisions in the Liquor Licensing Act which protect minors, primarily in Part 7. The Licensing Court can take disciplinary action against a licensee who breaches the Act and can fine or reprimand the licensee, change the licence conditions, suspend or revoke the licence.
      Under section 107 of the Act, a licensee is guilty of an offence if they employ a minor to sell, supply, or to serve liquor on the premises, unless the minor is a child of the licensee or responsible person and is aged 16 years or more, who is resident on the premises, otherwise licensing authority approval is required.
      Licensees are required to display, in a prominent position, a notice indicating the prohibitions on supplying alcohol to minors.
      In licensed premises it is an offence for minors to*:
      consume alcohol (wherever obtained)
      buy alcohol
      have alcohol bought for them (this includes purchases made at drive-in bottle shops)
      be served alcohol by a licensee, bar attendant or patron
      *This section does not apply to the free supply of alcohol to, or consumption of alcohol by, a minor who lives on the licensed premises and is a child of the licensee, or of an employee.

      Where a minor receives alcohol in these premises, the minor, the supplier (includes licensee and responsible person), the buyer and the seller may all have committed an offence, even if the minor is in the company of an adult, parent, legal guardian or spouse.
      In licensed premises the maximum penalties provided for under the Act are:
      $2500 for any minor who buys or consumes alcohol
      $5000 for any person(s) who bought, at the request of a minor, alcohol for the minor
      $5000 for the person who sold/supplied alcohol to a minor
      $20 000 for the licensee(s) or responsible person
      一旦卖了给minor 被抓到,销售人员,老板,卖酒执照持有人全部付连带责任,罚款范围至少$2000以上。卖酒给minor 的人至少罚5000   买酒的至少罚2000.

      所以,他们山岗培训时都有特别的说明,只要觉得customer 像minor 就可以索要identification, 特别注意,学生证不是validate identification.  这就有很大的弹性在里面,卖酒的认定你是adult时,他可以不用你出示证件。但这样的做法不是规范的做法,至少是不提倡的。老外里面也有想省事的人,所以不用你出示证件,因为他觉得你应该已经是adult的年龄了,这种老外是接触亚洲人多一些的老外,澳洲并不是所有老外都这样。 还有一种情况就是,你是老顾客了,卖酒的服务员最开始的几次查了你的护照等有效证件(学生证不能成为证明年龄的identification),这样在以后买酒时,当然就不查你了。

      你换个角度想想,如果你站在他们的角度,你愿意去冒险卖酒给Minor 然后被罚款么?被罚了,至少个把月的工就白打了,还搭上老板等人罚更多的钱,甚至吊销卖酒执照,将心比心,你如果做这行生意,你愿意冒险么?
      特别是这句‘‘【even if the minor is in the company of an adult, parent, legal guardian or spouse’】 我认为,他们应该是有怀疑你们之中有minor 跟着拿了护照的adult 来买酒。也就是怀疑你们4人中有minor。

      你说的对,这关系到了中国人的尊严,这点我不否认。 你想挣一口气,这是对的,那就请你把关于酒精销售的law 了解清楚再为你的尊严而斗争,至少要了解了事情的原委,想想他们为什么要怎么做,他们凭的是什么。当然,或许你在这所描述的只是事情的一部分,或许真的是他们的错,你要argue他们时,你至少要有理由证据吧,看完alcohol law 的这些信息指不定就对你跟他们理论提供充分而有效的证据。

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      a_z 发表于 25-1-2012 13:00:22
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      dukelucky 发表于 25-1-2012 13:02:09
      本帖最后由 dukelucky 于 2012-1-25 14:59 编辑

      回复 锅碗瓢盆 的帖子



      Retailer’s training obligations
      All people selling tobacco products need to be given adequate
      training on how to avoid selling tobacco products to underage
      people. This includes training any relatives or friends who might
      occasionally work in the business as well as paid employees.
      Proprietors should regularly discuss with staff:
      • What procedures they should follow if customers become
      diffi cult when asked to produce ID. Role-playing some of the
      situations that might arise can assist staff in this area.
      • The consequences if they are found to have sold cigarettes
      to an underage person.
      Some employers fi nd it helpful to develop a store policy and
      Suggested employee procedure
      Do a visual check
      Visually check to make sure the customer appears to be
      18 years or over. It is good business practice to ask to
      see ID if you think the person looks under 25 years.
      Ask to see identifi cation

      If there is any doubt about the person’s age, it is mandatory
      to ask for proper ID. If the person is the legal age, they
      probably won’t mind showing suitable photographic ID. Suitable
      identifi cation should carry a name and date of birth, and a
      photograph. A driver’s licence, proof-of-age card or a passport
      are all acceptable forms of identifi cation.
      Check identifi cation carefully
      Check the birth date. Make sure it has not been altered
      in any way, e.g. erased, typed over, smudged or cut out and
      replaced. Compare the photograph to the person. Be sure the
      physical characteristics match those of the customer.
      If in doubt, don’t make the sale
      If the person can’t produce a valid identifi cation, regardless
      of the reason, DO NOT make the sale.

      Be informative
      The person will understand your position better if you explain
      it. Show them the store policy and signage. Explain the law
      and the penalty that applies.
      Seek manager support
      If the person still does not accept your refusal to sell, suggest
      they talk to the manager. Often this will discourage an underage
      person from persisting.

      Example of a store policy
      Our store strictly supports the minimum age laws
      governing the sale of tobacco products.
      We do not intentionally sell or supply tobacco
      products to anyone under the age of 18 years.
      If we suspect a person to be under 18 years of age
      we always ask to see photographic identifi cation.
      To help this store uphold the law, you, as an
      employee, must follow this procedure:
      1. Visually check for the legal age.
      2. Ask to see ID of anyone appearing to be
      under 25 years of age.
      3. If unsatisfactory, do not make the sale.
      4. Be fi rm but polite.
      5. State the store’s policy.
      6. Remind them of the law.
      I have read and understood our store policy on
      selling tobacco products. I am aware that as
      an employee I am also liable and can be fi ned
      for breaches. I have been informed that it is an
      offence to sell tobacco products to people under
      18 years of age and I will not knowingly sell
      tobacco products to anyone under this age. I will
      check the identifi cation of anyone who looks like
      they might be under the age of 25 years.
      Signature:                   Date:

      If in doubt, don’t make the sale   虽然这是卖烟的guidance  这句话可以体现出卖酒的人为什么最后不卖酒给你们了。 manager 99% 的可能性是帮自己的员工的,因为他们的所作所为是在帮他们的store避免罚款的风险。

      manager没理由不帮,你换个角度,如果你是他们之中的一员,manager 吃里扒外,因为你们做了正确的事,按照了澳洲相关法规办事,你manager却帮着顾客说话吃里扒外,说你们卖烟酒的员工的不是。 那就换员工 告 manager了。
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      HandSun 发表于 25-1-2012 16:30:05
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      nice1 发表于 25-1-2012 17:03:13
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      qiaoki5 发表于 25-1-2012 17:58:02
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      louis518 发表于 26-1-2012 17:51:45
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