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      [其他求助信息] Massive Bicycle Warehouse Sale

      clarencelq 发表于 17-12-2009 16:37:00
      538 1


      不知道大家感不感兴趣,不过大家有空可以去看看。是我们集团下面的一个子公司做单车的, 都是意大利进口的,还有很多单车配件. 如果有兴趣,可以去看看,非常漂亮,各种款式都有。现在在做仓库打折,星期六和星期天两天(19和20号) warehouse sale flyer.pdf (416.36 KB, 下载次数: 28)

      "Euride” is an importer of Italian Bicycles (road and leisure) and Accessories. This weekend (starting Friday) we are having a Massive Bicycle Warehouse Sale. For details look at the attachment

      I welcome you all to please forward this email to any of your friends, workmates, suppliers, customers and who ever you know as this will be great opportunity to get a great deal, especially before Xmas.

      If you can’t get here give our team a call
      Sam---Anthony---Marc--- Phone 8365 8666    or      Email   [email protected]

      Bike Riding “the New Golf” –for better health and relaxation

      Hope you all have a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year  

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      收藏收藏 顶 踩
      soso 发表于 17-12-2009 20:54:42
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