本帖最后由 ann880923 于 2013-3-6 22:54 编辑
卖UniSA 用书,全部9.5新,买多可小刀需要的发信息给我: 0415 520 923
ACCT 1008 & ACCT 1006 这本有非常有用,AFB 和FA1都可以用到的,考试的时候绝对要看书啊! $75 (旧的那本卖掉了,这本很新阿!)
Hoggett, John, Medlin, John, Edwards, Lew, Tilling, Matthew & Hogg, Evelyn 2012, Accounting, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane
ECON 1008 一套两本9.9新啊! $70 [卖掉了]
Jackson. J, McIver. R and Bajada, C 2012,Economic Principles, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, Sydney Bredon, G 2012, Study Guide to accompany Economic Principles, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw-Hill, Sydney
MARK 1010 书很新 $45
还有tutorial答案 $10
Sharp, B 2012,Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice , 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne
BUSS 2046 神一样的课程,几乎全新书 $50
Kreitner, R & Kinicki, A 2012,Organisational Behaviour , 10th edn, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York
COML 1001 这本翻书次数太多,有点旧,这门课没书就不用去考试拉!
和今年的版本有些不同,本人也不清楚差别在哪里,需要的考虑清楚再买。 $ 35