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  • 美联航再曝赶客事件:乘客被威胁不下机就拷手铐(图)

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    发布时间: 12-4-2017 18:37


    美联航暴力驱赶亚裔乘客事件引发广泛争议 国际在线专稿:日前,美国联合航空公司强行将乘客赶下飞机一事引起广泛争议。然而就在事情逐渐发酵之时,美国Mashable网站4月12日再次爆料:有乘客表示,就在此 ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 12-4-2017 19:01:54
    This reminds me of china's first aviation law case which ended with the victory of the aviation company.  The title runs like this: Hi, customers, not every customer is god.

    It is the owner who gives the definition of shangdi(god).

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    回复 jian11 发表于 12-4-2017 18:53:57
    Yes, it is.
    It is "within their property" and they are the boss.
    In most American shops, there was always a warning on the counter running like this: We reserve our rights to refuse our service to  you(something like that).
    And in England, in most super markets and shops, a warning on the shelf running like this:  You open it, You buy it.  You break it, You buy it.

    Some times you have no choices but to follow.

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