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  • 美国学者想出好办法?让中国为朝无核化直接出钱(图)

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    发布时间: 25-3-2017 13:34


    朝鲜问题专家车维德(Victor Cha)(美国和平研究所网络截图) 前白宫国安会亚洲事务主任、朝鲜问题专家车维德(Victor Cha)本星期(3月22日)在华盛顿的一次研讨会上说,在朝鲜无核化的资金投入方面 ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 25-3-2017 16:36:51
    Since China "chu Qian", China has a final saying and be a boss.
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    回复 jian11 发表于 25-3-2017 16:27:04
    China should warn KIm Jong-un:  If you don't listen, you will be the next Saddam.
    Stick to this line of strategy and do a big game and gamble.

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    回复 jian11 发表于 25-3-2017 16:23:49
    This is the only way and better than nothing way at the moment to avoid "bloodshedding" on Korea Peninsula.
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    回复 jian11 发表于 25-3-2017 16:21:51
    This idea coincides with my idea to some extent!

    China should pay its price for the nuclear crisis on the peninsula.

    This price means "money" as this American pundit suggested.

    Since china pays the money, it is China's game and final saying.

    The best option for china is:  Kim Jong-un steps down and China and US protect his and his family's safty.  Kim and his family and allies should live in China under china's protection and are not allowed to involve peninsula politics.  Thus to avoid the decapitation of Kim by US army(like the case of Saddam Husaine of Iraq).

    This is the same "condition" and offer and ultimatum to Saddam Husain of Iraq.  Unfortunately Saddam refused this offer.

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    This is maybe the best choice to avoid war on peninsular.

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