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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 30-9-2008 21:21:17

      Burnside koala slingshot attack supporter sentenced

      A CARPENTER who cheered during a senseless slingshot attack on a koala has lost his job - and been ordered to perform 150 hours of community service.
      CARPENTER 木工  senseless 无意义的 slingshot弹弓
      James Daniel Healey met up with a teenager then encouraged the youth as he pelted the koala with pebbles at Chambers Gully at Burnside in April last year.
      Healey, 22, pleaded guilty to one count of taking a protected animal and to one count of possessing a dangerous weapon.
      guilty 服罪  possessing 拥有
      Magistrate Simon Smart said he accepted that Healey did not actually fire any of the shots at the "poor creature" and that the attack was done on the spur of the moment.
      "You had every opportunity to desist from the conduct - you could have walked away and not joined in," Mr Smart told Healey.
      desist from 停止干
      "You accept the koala suffered injury but the degree of that injury is not known because the creature was never recovered."
      Police were alerted to the cruel attack when a female bushwalker heard the men cheering as the projectiles thudded into the protected animal.
      cruel 悲惨的  projectiles 弹射 thudded 重击
      Defence lawyer Ben Sale said Healey had been sacked from his job as a carpenter after his offending was highlighted in The Advertiser earlier this month.
      offending 令人不愉快的
      "This is the type of matter that people might react quite emotionally to, as his employer has," Mr Sale said.
      "Mr Healey has already suffered somewhat of a penalty and has told me that his brother has also suffered grief because of this."
      penalty 刑罚  grief 悲伤
      Mr Sale urged the magistrate not to record a conviction because of the impact it could have on future job prospects.
      conviction 证明有罪
      But Mr Smart said the offending was "deliberate and blatant" and that he needed to send a message to the community that attacks on protected animals would not be tolerated.
      Healey was convicted and ordered to complete 150 hours of community service within the next year.
      He was spared a conviction on separate charges of possessing a bayonet and crossbow after Mr Smart found he was unaware their possession was illegal.
      bayonet 刺刀, crossbow 努

      Healey 先生用弹弓打考拉,对其造成了严重的伤害,所以被判150个小时的社区服务。
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 2-10-2008 07:48:16

      Concept images of Adelaide's tram overpass released

      NEW concept images of Adelaide's planned tram overpass at South Rd have been released as the project prepares to seek formal government approvals.

      Transport Minister Patrick Conlon said in a statement today the imagery provides South Australians with a greater appreciation of the project, its features and scale.
      imagery 成像  features 特征
      "You can now see how the facility will work for trams and most importantly commuters and also how it will be incorporated into the location," he said.
      commuters 月票旅客  incorporated 合并,并入
      The full range of new images will be available for the public to view once the project completes passage through State Parliament's Public Works Committee.

      OVERPASS: Tell us what you think of the proposal in the comment box below.

      Construction of the tram overpass is expected to begin by the end of the year and be completed by the end of 2009.

      Trams are planned to continue operating during construction on temporary tracks separated from traffic and local businesses and households by barriers.

      The tram overpass, combined with the Anzac Highway underpass, is part of a plan to create a non-stop north-south corridor for the city.
      corridor 走廊

      zt   http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,24421116-2682,00.html

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-10-2 07:55 编辑 ]

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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 2-10-2008 08:23:29

      Tough times fuel cheap liquor binge

      Tough times fuel cheap liquor binge

      TIGHT economic times are pushing Australians towards excessive consumption of cheaper alcohol, research released yesterday shows.
      excessive 过度的
      The findings have prompted fresh warnings about the health effects of heavy drinking, with Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia saying it is easier to overindulge on cask wine or cheap beer than on expensive drinks.
      prompted 促使  overindulge 溺爱
      The survey of liquor retailers by The Bailey Group found more than half believed alcohol consumption had increased.
      "It appears Australians are drowning their sorrows but doing so within their budget," marketer Steve Wootten said.
      This was a typical pattern in an economic downturn, social analyst David Chalke said.
      downturn 向下
      "When times are tough, we want to keep the feel-good stuff," Mr Chalke, who heads up AustraliaSCAN, said.
      "We'll give up our gym memberships or buying a new dress well ahead of the booze, chocolate biscuits or cigarettes."
      The Baileys survey showed more than a third of retailers noticed consumers were buying cheaper brands to stay within budget.
      retailers 零售商
      "Rather than cutting down on alcohol consumption ... we're simply buying cheaper," Mr Wootten said.
      DASSA executive director Keith Evans said that with cheaper drinks, people were more likely to drink more.
      But he said the health risks of too much alcohol were the same whether people were drinking at the top end or the lower end. "There's always been this thing of people saying that if you drink a very cheap gin compared to a very expensive gin, you get a worse hangover... but I think that's often the snob effect," he said.
      hangover  这里翻成后遗症  snob 假内行
      Ross Fassina, of Fassina Brothers, said his stores had seen the average spend drop in recent times.
      "People are buying cheaper lines. For example, the $20 a bottle wine drinker is now buying a $15 bottle and the $15 a bottle drinker is now spending only $10," Mr Fassina said.
      Sip n' Save's Mike Shelley said his cellars were observing a similar trend.
      observing 看到,发现,观察到
      "Consumers are value purchasing. Where they might have bought premium beer before, they are moving to the higher-volume brands," Mr Shelley said.
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      gameruleoflife 发表于 2-10-2008 11:22:20
      news translation post! now there are increasing number of different English studying patterns posts in this board.
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 3-10-2008 00:01:12


      Major study finds childhood obesity epidemic 'a myth'
      obesity 肥胖  obesity 流行的

      AUSTRALIA'S children are no fatter than they were 10 years ago, prompting experts to warn the exaggerated focus on an obesity "epidemic" is increasing the rate of eating disorders.
      exaggerated  被夸大的
      A report out today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the rates of both overweight and obese children have stalled in the past decade.
      stalled 失速,这里应该理解为停止不动
      Eleven per cent of children aged from two to 17 are obese, while 17 per cent are overweight.
      Health experts say while these figures are still too high, the confusing messages about weight loss as governments warn of an "epidemic" are having a negative impact on children's self-esteem.
      Dietitians Association of Australia spokeswoman Tania Ferraretto said research suggested an increase in eating disorders in young children was because they were more "worried about getting fat".
      "You don't have to keep beating the drum about kids getting fat . . . it's destructive because they can't put it into context and work out what it means," she said.
      destructive 破坏性的
      Study author Professor Helena Britt said it was not a surprise rates had plateaued, and that it had taken 10 years to come to the attention of the media and governments. She agreed a focus on healthy lifestyle rather than weight was needed.
      The report, General practice activity in Australia 1998-99 to 2007-08: 10 year data tables, one of two released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, states a combination of body mass index and Australian Bureau of Statistics data was used to calculate the weight of children.
      combination 组合
      It also found that adult obesity and overweight rates were still increasing.
      Other findings include:
      MORE than one third of GPs are approaching retirement age.
      ALMOST eight million fewer prescriptions were written in 2007-08 than a decade earlier.
      prescriptions 处方药
      WOMEN now make up 37 per cent of GPs.
      Australian Medical Association state president Dr Peter Ford said children were very perceptive of criticism of their weight, which could lead to low self esteem.
      "In some ways they don't have the control that an adult has . . . It could lead them to get very mixed messages and feel overburdened with the responsibility of it."
      Health Minister John Hill warned obesity remained a significant and preventable health issue. "People who are overweight or obese have a greater risk of suffering from a variety of serious illnesses, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers, forcing them into hospital for illness which can be avoided," he said.
      "And that's why in South Australia we are doing a range of things to tackle childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles."
      Waterfall Gully woman Sam Boag has created a sports program for preschoolers called Ready Steady Go. She said it made exercise a fun and non-threatening way for children to get healthy.
      "Once they play they realise it's fun, and not scary," she said.


      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-10-3 00:10 编辑 ]
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 4-10-2008 20:40:07

      4号的新闻 .坚持

      OJ Simpson found guilty of robbery and kidnapping

      OJ SIMPSON has been found guilty today of robbery and kidnapping, 13 years to the day after he was acquitted of brutally murdering his ex-wife and her friend.
      guilty of有过失 kidnapping诱拐,拐骗  robbery 抢劫 acquitted of宣告无罪 brutally 残忍的
      Simpson's sister Carmelita Durio collapsed on the floor in tears following the verdict of guilty on all counts.
      verdict 判决
      After a three-week trial, a Las Vegas jury deliberated for more than 13 hours today on charges against Simpson and a friend arising from an incident at the Palace Station casino in September last year.
      jury 陪审团
      Simpson showed no emotion as he and co-defendant Clarence Stewart were found guilty on all charges, which could see both men facing a maximum life sentence.
      The 61-year-old former American football hero was accused of storming into a hotel room with a gang of gun-toting cohorts and seizing sports memorabilia from two dealers worth thousands of dollars.
      Simpson, who did not testify during his trial, said in interviews after his arrest he had only been recovering personal items stolen from his trophy room, and said he was unaware that his cohorts were armed with weapons.
      interviews 访谈
      However, four of Simpson's accomplices on the heist struck plea deals and testified against the sports star during his trial, which played out in low-key contrast to his circus-like 1995 "Trial of the Century".
      Defence lawyers argued detectives had rushed to judgement from the early stages of the case, and said prosecution witnesses, including the victims, could not be trusted because they had sold their stories to the media.
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 5-10-2008 22:59:23


      Time to clean up Adelaide's gangsters
      GUN-WIELDING "gangsters" are making the city unsafe and their haunts must be shut down immediately, Adelaide Lord Mayor Michael Harbison says.
      haunts 罪犯等的巢穴
      In the wake of yesterday's dramatic early morning shooting in Gouger St where a person was wounded and a bystander injured, Mr Harbison has challenged the State Government to institute the "clean-up".
      While Mr Harbison wants businesses to bring back a feeling of community safety, political leaders called for a greater police presence on the beat.
      A young man was shot in the leg outside Gaucho's Argentinian Restaurant about 1am and a stray bullet narrowly missed a woman and driver in a nearby taxi when two shots were fired by a man with a handgun following an alleged dispute between two groups of men.
      a stray bullet 流弹  alleged 宣称
      The woman received minor cuts from flying glass.
      It was the third shooting in one of Adelaide's premier restaurant strips in the past five months.
      In May, 12 men, believed to have links with outlaw motorcycle gangs, were involved in a wild shootout outside Gaucho's when diners were forced to duck under tables for cover. A man, 38, has since been charged with endangering life over the incident.

      were forced to duck under tables 被迫向鸭子一样藏在桌子下面
      In June, a teenage gunman fired several shots through a window at the Buddha Bar.
      Police charged a boy, 17, with endangering life. Mr Harbison said the street was unsafe, the public terrified and Adelaide's reputation as a peaceful city was ruined.
      "We can't, with a straight face, say the area is safe when this sort of event occurs," he said. "We are horrified by this situation and outraged by it and I call on the Liquor Licensing Commission to shut them down."
      After yesterday's incident, police charged a Henley Beach man, 23, with three counts of endangering life, aggravated assault causing serious harm and a host of firearm offences.
      He was refused bail and was expected to appear in Adelaide Magistrates Court tomorrow.
      Mr Harbison said unless the street was cleaned up immediately a life would be lost. " . . . Enough is enough," he said. "When . . . customers are shooting at each other, there's something wrong."
      Consumer Affairs Minister Gail Gago said it was a matter for the independent Liquor Licensing Commissioner, in conjunction with police.
      A Gouger St Traders spokeswoman said the association considered the three shootings this year as "isolated" incidents.

      "We're working with the Adelaide City Council in improving the safety of the street," she said. "We promote Gouger St as a family environment and we encourage families to come along and enjoy the many benefits of the area."
      Police found a loaded pistol dumped in a bin on Franklin St, outside Eynesbury College early yesterday. They said the shooting was not "bikie-related".
      Pools of blood outside Gaucho's show the shot man staggered for more than 20m before collapsing with a bullet in his leg. He underwent surgery yesterday and was in a stable condition in Royal Adelaide Hospital yesterday.

      Members of the public chased the alleged gunman through city streets before police apprehended a man near Grote St at about 3.30am.
      Police Minister Michael Wright said the shooting validated the Government's new, tougher gun laws, coming into effect within a fortnight.
      "It's extremely fortunate that no one was critically or fatally injured," Mr Wright said.

      fortunate 幸运的
      Former Liberal police minister now Family First MP, Robert Brokenshire, said Adelaide's growing gun culture should be "jumped on from a great height".
      Mr Harbison added: "We also call upon the Licensing Court to require these businesses to have security cameras within their premises."
      A man who was in Gouger St before the shooting, who did not identify himself, said he saw two groups of agitated young men outside Gaucho's about 11pm on Saturday.
      He said the groups returned two hours later and a short time later the shooting happened. SA Taxi Council vice-president Wally Sievers would not reveal the cab company involved but he said drivers and the public wanted an end to wild shootings in Gouger St.
      He stopped short of saying cabbies would avoid Gouger St but he said everybody needed to be protected.

      cabbies 出租车司机
      "It's innocent parties involved and with stray bullets flying around it's just by sheer luck that somebody is not killed," he said. "They want something down to make things stop.
      Gaucho's management would not comment.

      [ 本帖最后由 jh_hammer 于 2008-10-6 09:17 编辑 ]
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      似雪无涯 发表于 5-10-2008 23:24:22


      加油,加油 :encourage: :encourage:
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 6-10-2008 08:39:47

      morning report 6th October

      Australia's banks to reap $25bn
      reap 收获
      AUSTRALIA'S banks will reap an estimated $25 billion if they pass on only half of the expected 0.5 per cent interest rate cut.
      The Reserve Bank board is widely tipped to cut official interest rates by 50 basis points to 6.5 per cent tomorrow, giving variable rate loan holders an annual $49 billion interest saving.
      Banks, however, are expected to use the occasion to claw back some of their lost margins.
      claw 填补,补偿  margins利润,差数
      This would mean homeowners and businesses on variable rate loans, who owe almost $1 trillion, are likely to be paying banks $2 billion more each month in interest than they should be.
      Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan yesterday gave the banks room to move, saying short-term borrowing costs had "blown out" in the past fortnight.
      "On Friday, short-term borrowing costs were six times their normal level," he said.
      "Earlier in the week, they were 10 times their normal level. So the situation today from a month ago is vastly more complicated and banks are facing much higher borrowing costs."
      Treasury analysis obtained by The Advertiser supports this, showing that since the September interest rate cut, there has been a significant rise in short-term funding costs.
      But Mr Swan said banks would have "absolutely no excuse not to pass on their lower funding costs" if global markets stabilised over time. Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens has reportedly agreed with the Government's position that it is in the best interests of the banking system to allow banks to retain funds, rather than pass them on fully through interest rate cuts.
      Former treasurer Peter Costello said banks were already making high profits and had been increasing their margins, ahead of the official rate.
      "They've already taken 50 basis points, they're already in front, they're highly profitable, they're well capitalised," he said.
      capitalised  投资
      The banking sector is still battling an international credit crisis, which is not expected to ease with the passing of a US$700 billion bailout package in the U.S. on Saturday.
      News of the deal is also not expected to settle local share markets, which closed 1.5 per cent down at 4702 points on Friday.
      "It could be a quiet day, but it might also be quite a volatile day, because you don't have that buffer of liquidity," AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver said.
      "A rate cut in Australia, particularly a 0.5 per cent rate cut, would be taken positively by the market, but then it also depends on what degree the banks pass it on.
      "My feeling is they are going to pass half of it on."
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       楼主| jh_hammer 发表于 6-10-2008 19:25:58
      Man critical after Norwood stabbing
      critical 批评的,危急的    stabbing刺伤
      A BLOODIED man who staggered into a Norwood bottle shop after being stabbed eight times in the chest and stomach remains in hospital in a critical condition.
      About 2.50pm today, the 34-year-old stumbled into the Norwood Hotel drive-through bottleshop – covered in blood and begging for help.
      He was then rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
      More than a dozen police cars arrived at the scene within minutes. A Kensington Gardens man, 38, was arrested in relation to the alleged attack.
      alleged 宣称,断定
      Police also spoke at length to two women before taking them away without arrest.
      It is understood the two men were travelling together in a Mitsubishi Verada when they were involved in an argument.
      The victim then got out of the car and began walking along The Parade. He was allegedly then repeatedly stabbed with a knife in a second altercation with the same man outside the Norwood Hotel.
      altercation 争论口角的人
      Hotel management declined to comment this afternoon.
      "We just came down here for a quiet coffee and didn't expect to see anything like this,'' bystander Jessica Matern said.
      "It's pretty scary for something like this to happen in an area like this."
      Detective Chief Inspector John Gerlach said police would continue to investigate the incident to determine the motive and if other people were involved.
      investigate 调查研究 motive 动机
      "It's a very serious incident and would have been terrifying for the people involved," he said.
      "At the moment I'm not sure how many individual persons were connected other than the four allegedly involved, if anyone else was involved it certainly is serious and would have been terrible."
      The stabbing, which occurred in broad daylight on what should have been a sleepy public holiday, follows a shooting on Sunday morning in Gouger St.
      In that attack, a man was wounded in the leg and a bystander injured by shattering glass.
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