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    andrewwang 发表于 9-10-2020 11:29:20
    你好,我是woolworths被local言语攻击的那个受害者,我现在向 Equal opportunity commissioner 提交了complaint。对方说虽然woolwothhs的做法不妥,但是他们没有违反反歧视法,并且引用了“Department of Health v Arumugam”, Dr Arumugam had no direct evidence of discrimination.


    “"services to which this Act applies means— (a) access to or use of a place or facilities that members of the public are permitted to enter or use;
    51—Criteria for establishing discrimination on ground of race For the purposes of this Act, a person discriminates on the ground of race— (a) if he or she treats another unfavourably by reason of the other's race; or (b) if he or she treats another person unfavourably because the other does not comply, or is not able to comply, with a particular requirement and— (i) the nature of the requirement is such that a substantially higher proportion of persons of a different race complies, or is able to comply, with the requirement than of those of the other's race; and (ii) the requirement is not reasonable in the circumstances of the case; or (c) if he or she treats another unfavourably on the basis of a characteristic that appertains generally to persons of the other's race, or on the basis of a presumed characteristic that is generally imputed to persons of that race; or (d) if he or she treats another unfavourably because of an attribute of or a circumstance affecting a relative or associate of the other, being an attribute or circumstance described in the preceding paragraphs.  
    61—Discrimination in provision of goods and services It is unlawful for a person who offers or provides— (a) goods; or (b) services to which this Act applies, (whether for payment or not) to discriminate against another on the ground of race—  
    (d) in the terms or conditions on which or the manner in which the goods are supplied or the services are performed. "

    我认为他们违反了S51(b)(c) 和S61 因为他们在纵容白人言语攻击我的同时制止我录象,并且在最后强制我离开woolworths并在外面等待警察。


    并且问一下是否有其他法律我可以借鉴,比如consumer act或其他相关。 谢谢
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     楼主| HOLawyers 发表于 5-5-2020 17:50:08
    盖欧卡 发表于 4-5-2020 02:08
    你好,我想问问如果离婚的话,是拿双方名下的财产分吗,比如房子是我结婚前买的,只有我的名字,和人合伙有 ...

    感謝您的留言, 我們已經回覆您的電郵查詢。
    如果有任何疑問, 歡迎加我們的微信lawyerinaustralia。

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    盖欧卡 发表于 4-5-2020 02:08:33 来自手机
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     楼主| HOLawyers 发表于 21-4-2020 18:13:07
    如果有任何法律疑問, 請加我們的微信號, 我們會盡快回覆您
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    BBS网友  发表于 4-2-2020 23:44:33
    aresyan 发表于 16-10-2019 00:49:16 来自手机
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    landy123 发表于 1-8-2019 08:07:11 来自手机
    你好,我有一件事想要寻求法律援助,就是在今年四月23号当天我的车在days rd和regency rd的十字路口与一辆holden相撞了,当时是我们的车要右转,他在对面道直行,我没看见他的车直接右转,结果撞上了。事后反应不过来没经验,没有直接下来拍车辆的状况什么的,就移动到了不影响交通的位置,下车与对方沟通,也没有拍对方的车辆损毁情况,只有对方的驾照信息。但记忆中是他的holden损坏并不严重,只是车牌的位置有些掉漆,安全杠稍微损坏,我的车因为被撞到左边前轮胎和左前方车头的位置损坏较为严重,于是我们把车停回家之后乘坐对方的车去了警察局,一路上对方的车子基本没有问题,杂音什么的都没有。之后他联系了保险公司,他是全险,而我们只有第三方责任险,所以没打。之后留下联系方式,各回各家,之后三个月我们就什么都没做,也没有收到任何有关消息,直到昨天7.31,我们收到一封claim letter,说我们必须在21天内需要支付2627澳币,日期从7.26号开始,但我觉得他的车修理根本不需要那么多,感觉对方保险公司太黑,不同意支付那么多的赔偿金额,请问这样的事我可以怎么处理或者与对方协商?
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