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      [时尚潮流] Ports is favorited by Celebrities

      nikelees2 发表于 12-4-2012 15:28:39
      860 0


      in May 2011 when Michelle Obama once again put on a Ports 1961 gray  dress and appeared in the White House Mother’s Day afternoon tea, the  first lady who The all American women want to imitate to the crowd again  proved himself the unique vision in the fashion aspects .it has  unreasonably brand personality: she does not follow the trend, not to  cater to the brand, only daring to choose his favorite designer works.  At The end of last year, she was accompanied by U.S. President Barack  Obama on the occasion of the visit to four Asian countries; she wore the  this herve leger uk dress and boarded Air Force with Obama from India to Indonesia. Ports  dress from the 2009 autumn and winter series has a gray worsted cotton,  flowing lines, back chic lace decoration, the elegant style. This set of  modeling won the award, was published by some site. Today, she wore a  silver belt and navy blue brooch. In addition, the U.S. political  figures, the founder of The Huffington, Post, was selected the world’s  most influential 100 people in the 2007 “Time” magazine ” Arianna  Huffington is the Ports of New York Fashion Week front row regulars, the  Ports dress is The basic configuration of her public image. In the UK,  the Ports won the royal favor. Prince Edward’s wife Sophie Princess had  dressed Ports dress and waistcoat in the activities.

      The source of article :  Ports is favorited by Celebrities                    www.ilikeherveleger.com     welcome To Free Reproduced.

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