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  • 楼主: tonyhokr
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    你好 请问郑律师 关于二房东不还bond金的问题!

    ctsintat 发表于 2-2-2012 11:24:50
    I guess your only option is to contact the police to get them involve, as privacy is a very sensitive matter, only the police has the authority to request such info.
    Just before you do that, go the consumer & business affair again, ask for their opinion, see if they can come up with a different approach to contact unisa, most likely they cant give out the address of your landlord but see if unisa can act as mediator to assist you.
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    ctsintat 发表于 2-2-2012 14:48:27
    tonyhokr 发表于 2012-2-2 13:45
    回复 ctsintat 的帖子

    谢谢了 我去警察局2次了 第一次让我去cbs.. 第二次说我们不管这个 你只能去cbs  ...

    What gengandsue said is true no doubt. The time, money and effort you put in for this problem has caused a lot of frustration, and more importantly you failed a unit all because of pressure from this incident.

    To be honest, this is not gonna to be easy as this involve personal privacy, you will have to talk to different people (bear in mind not everyone is as enthusiastic to help as the first person you spoke to in consumer and business service, like the second person wouldnt even give a shit...). Also remember you wont be able to get an address from the police, you are asking them to contact the landlord on your behalf.

    Try the Residential Tenancies Tribunal, but it's gonna to cost you some money i guess if you decide to proceed with the hearing, anyway go there and talk to them, see what they say. (remember here, not everyone is willing to help, you may need to come back another time).

    If all above failed and you insist, get a lawyer involve and put an end to this saga. However, worth it or not, your call.
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    ctsintat 发表于 3-2-2012 11:10:44
    Hi Mr.Cheng,
    Is there anything could have done in the first place to make such claim easier? I am sure many of us will likely to encounter this.
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    ctsintat 发表于 6-2-2012 11:56:55
    Thanks for that Mr. Cheng.
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