自己找个2室一厅的跟你朋友住....作者: zrong58 时间: 5-9-2012 11:19
http://www.adelaidebbs.com.au/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=365496&mobile=yes作者: mmyyll 时间: 5-9-2012 11:39
你好 我家有两间房出租 你可以跟你朋友一起 家里只住4个人 加你们 我们也想招男生 家里是双自动车库 有配自动钥匙 嘿嘿 如果您有兴趣 可以加我Q:263121694 谢谢
来自: 阿德莱德论坛(AdelaideBBS) iPhone客户端作者: Aishahsheikh 时间: 6-9-2012 10:39
My friend has 1 bed room unit in Glenenlg, he intend to move out recently. it's a good opportunity to take it as it's only $200/w. you can live by your own or live with someone else. if you are interesting, I will ask him the availability . good luck with your house hunting. 作者: ken001 时间: 6-9-2012 10:47
你什么时候过来,我和我朋友也在找房子,我们可以take一个三房的house作者: daley118 时间: 6-9-2012 21:43 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/f ... read&tid=364677作者: yanhan0507 时间: 8-9-2012 00:58 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/f ... &extra=page%3D1 作者: 21137961 时间: 8-9-2012 21:30