注意这里移民局的用词:Qualifications (Australian or recognised overseas)
移民局用了recognised 这个词,当然,澳洲本土的学历肯定是被认可的,但来自中国的学历是否全部被认可呢?在今天公布的打分政策里有这样的文字:
To claim points for a qualification or apprenticeship obtained overseas, it will need to be recognised as being of a standard comparable to that awarded by an Australian education institution. Further information regarding the process for having an overseas qualification or apprenticeship recognised will be made available closer to the date of implementation of the new points test.
我们先来看最坏的情况,就是不认可中国的学历,那么在新的打分体系下,一个来自中国的申请者,只有雅思达到4个8分才能满足65分的分数线,换句话说,如果这样,等于澳洲移民的打分对中国已经关闭!这是大家都不愿意看到的。 作者: 郑玉桂律师 时间: 11-6-2012 10:36 本帖最后由 郑玉桂律师 于 2012-6-11 16:15 编辑
To claim points for a qualification obtained overseas, it will need to be recognised as being of a standard comparable to the relevant Australian level qualification. Generally, you will be able to request an opinion on your qualification claims from the relevant assessing authority when you seek your skills assessment.