Joseph Kony(?—— ),乌干达反政府武装LRA首领,国际刑事法庭头号在逃罪犯。为了维护个人权威和地位对当地人民犯下十恶不赦的罪行: 绑架女孩子当性奴, 男孩子被强迫当童兵,命他们互相残杀甚至杀死自己父母,施虐,致残等。26年间残害儿童多达30,000多人,并有越来越多的儿童面临这样的命运。
1. It's been happening for years.
2. What about all the other things wrong with the world?
3. I don't mean to sound like a heartless person but why care about that specific group of people? There are millions of people dying from every other thing on Earth. Why focus on that specific group? And also, why now? Africans have been doing this for YEARS.作者: Douchebag 时间: 11-3-2012 07:22
And also, the reason why people are "caring" for this situation is because they are just jumping on the bandwagon. I guarantee that if the first person hadn't first posted about it, it wouldn't have been brought up for a while.作者: natural-arc 时间: 15-3-2012 16:56
...................up............作者: zy168 时间: 15-3-2012 17:54
我可不想为美国开展下一场石油战争摇旗呐喊作者: AAAI 时间: 15-3-2012 23:18