我们做pre-purchase building inspection的是严格按照AS4349.1来的,房子的结构包括 interior of the building, the exterior of the building, the roof space, the underfloor space, the lower roof exterior, any car accommodation or detached structures, small non-structural retaining walls, paths and driveways, steps, fencing, surface water drainage and stormwater run off and the site.这些都是必须检查的,除了家具,地毯等覆盖住的部位是不用检查的(比如footing),还有access太危险或着有局限的部位(比如第二层的屋顶).
Please contact him as early as you can, he is quite busy normally. Just mention you are friend of Xiang. The discount price (250) is only vaild after you mention you are friend of Xiang. If he can't recognise your pronunciation of Xiang , just mention "Xiang is the chinese guy who is your brother from another mother". That's the joke between me and Michael, he will know me straight away.
You don't need to be there for the inspection. 作者: 雷囧 时间: 22-6-2013 01:51
yuxiangdogp 发表于 2012-2-22 18:08
回复 illuma 的帖子
我们做pre-purchase building inspection的是严格按照AS4349.1来的,房子的结构包括 in ...