是呀~哈哈哈作者: yatong2008 时间: 17-8-2010 00:24
降价了,大家顶~~~作者: yatong2008 时间: 17-8-2010 20:00
傢具什麽的都是齊全的~作者: yuxufeng2009 时间: 17-8-2010 22:32
dddddddddddddd作者: yatong2008 时间: 18-8-2010 22:45 回复 15#yuxufeng2009谢谢楼上~作者: yatong2008 时间: 18-8-2010 22:52 回复 15#yuxufeng2009谢谢楼上~作者: yatong2008 时间: 19-8-2010 19:47
条件是只租女孩,男孩不要再加QQ了……作者: yatong2008 时间: 19-8-2010 22:54
只招女生~男孩不要加qq了~作者: 然然 时间: 19-8-2010 22:56
顶一顶~~~~作者: yatong2008 时间: 20-8-2010 22:04
顶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: 沧海无涯 时间: 20-8-2010 22:21
小房间不错呀,蛮近的,可惜了,招女生。。作者: yuxufeng2009 时间: 21-8-2010 00:14
再顶DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD作者: 彩虹仔 时间: 21-8-2010 00:17
ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: yatong2008 时间: 21-8-2010 15:01
是很好的房子呀~~~~作者: yuxufeng2009 时间: 21-8-2010 20:11
顶dddddddddddddddddddddd作者: yuxufeng2009 时间: 22-8-2010 00:24
{:4_124:}{:4_124:}作者: G.Grace 时间: 24-8-2010 16:44
dddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: G.Grace 时间: 24-8-2010 21:24
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: G.Grace 时间: 25-8-2010 19:51
dddddddddddddddd作者: yatong2008 时间: 26-8-2010 18:24
d.........................................................................作者: yatong2008 时间: 27-8-2010 23:00
好房子呀~~~作者: Joanne2504 时间: 27-8-2010 23:05
My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.
My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.
If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.